How can I possibly be grateful for mosquitoes, nasty, annoying
little things that they are! Here they are so small that you don’t even know
that the nasty little vampires are sucking you dry until you find yourself
absently scratching away at various body parts. Even more annoying, they NEVER
bite Bryce, but seem to hone in on my tender skin! I have been good about this
for the past few days, honest I have, trying my best to be grateful while I am
concentrating ever so hard on not scratching. If I can just make it through the
first half hour, the itching eventually settles down, and becomes at least
tolerable. I bought a little bottle of rubbing alchohol to dab on the itchy
spots, which seems to help take most of the itch away.
Bryce, the ever so well prepared outdoorsman comes handily
prepared with all manner of bug repellant, but, being a purist, I simply refuse
to slather that horrid poison all over my skin. I find it hard to believe that
Deet is safe, particularly since it smells so bad!
However, after enduring two days of being eaten alive, I
overheard someone say that Dengue fever is bad in the area with all the
mosquitoes. Say, what? Here I thought that those pesky things were just a
nuisance, completely oblivious that they could be infecting me with a horrible
infectious tropical disease…..not exactly what I have in mind to bring back
from our trip to paradise!
So, as I slather the dreaded poison all over my body, one
more time I admit to my darling husband that he is right, which I am sure he
will never let me live down. Meanwhile, I am trying my hardest to think of what
I am thankful for in this very itchy circumstance.
Okay, I know that bugs are needed for the health of the
ecosystem, I’m sure that mosquitoes are a delicacy for some fabulous tropical
bird. I can’t imagine what else they could possibly be good for! I’m grateful
for, shall I say it through gritted teeth: Deet! ARGHH! Poison on my body,
gross, I can’t stand the smell of it, it makes my eyes water, just the thought
of it is gross! I’m grateful that I’m sleeping inside a condo with (mostly)
good screens and not sleeping on a park bench somewhere where mosquitoes would
be the least of my problems!.....and I’m grateful that there is good medical
treatment easily available if I should come down with Dengue fever! (The
incubation stage is between 3 and 7 days, so I’ll know in a week if I have to
be grateful should I get Dengue fever!!)