Friday 13 May 2016

Loving Lisbon Day Two

We absolutely love our little apartment, first because it is nice and quiet and we get terrific sleeps, and second because of the location in the coolest part of Lisbon. We discovered today that we are right on the path leading up the hill to the Castelo St. Jorge. This was about a half mile walk up a narrow cobble road lined with funky shops and restaurants. We took many pictures of fascinating doors and windows along the way.
 The best part of the castle were the views, as we were able to see almost a 360 degree view of the city from the grounds and castle walls. The beginning of the castle was built in 600 B.C. during the Iron Age, now that is old! The main castle was built in the middle of the 11th century by the Moors, and was mainly a military post during that era. When Dom Alfonso Henriques conquered Lisbon in 1147, becoming the first king of Portugal, the castle was remodeled to become the home of the royal family.  When the Spanish conquered Portugal in 1580, the castle once again became a military stronghold.

Leaving the castle, we enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the charming village surrounding the castle, stopping to enjoy the narrow cobble streets lined with picturesque homes. After only two days we are fully in love with this city and look forward to exploring it further!

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